SPLIT CD Nekrad & Vociferation Eternity "Dragonia Pegaso" now available at KHAKAN PRODUCTION. Selling price: RM20.00 plus + RM5.00 (pos). Please provide your transfer information order to Khakan Production: AMOUNT, FULL NAME, FULL ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER. More info: www.facebook.com/khakanproduction
A split CD between Nekrad and Vociferation Eternity entitled Dragonia Pegaso. The music playing in this video is Nekrad's newest song entitled "Lycantrophic Massive Invaders" taken from the CD. Visit Nekrad's website at www.nekrademus.com for more info. Also head over to this link to hear Vociferation Eternity's song samples: http://youtu.be/NH0Sr4vo0oA